Thursday, 14 April 2011

I am there....

Hand over your heart
Why are you weeping
Why do you cry
Did you know, that when they hurt you, they hurt Me?

I am there, in the midst of your deepest pain
Your hardest sorrow, I am there
Your pain, My pain
Your tears, My tears
Your heart, My heart
I am there
Yes, I am there

I never left
I am with you always
Hand over your heart
I am there
Yes, I am there

Psalm 73 vs 17 "Only when I came into God's holy place did I [finally] understand what would happen to them" Take heart when the world laughs at you because you love Jesus...they are not just laughing at you, they are laughing at Him Who is with you. Unlike the world, the Lord will never leave you at your darkest hour, all you need to do is reach for Him ...He is there.

Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is there.