Sunday, 14 December 2014

I believe in miracles

I did mention that I would share my testimony on the Lord sending help to me in supernatural way.

God is living and active in our every day lives. He cares about the details... He cares about you & I!

I will post the testimony in pretty much the same format in which I sent it to members of our ministry In God's Company and a few other friends.

"Dear All, I have a testimony.

It brings tears to my eyes of God's caring nature. I just want to thank Him, also to ask you to help me adore & glorify His name.

It's been a very busy period for me, non stop since the start of this year. In the run up to the wedding more so. I was quite run down, my immunity low with mouth sores and I ached all over. I would typically wake up tired most days, I started having back with side pain in addition

Anyhow, I went to bed yesterday after 2 days in a row of 4hr daily work commute. Yes 4hours!

I had a dream in which it seemed again I had a dream within a dream, someone came and laid next to me. Even as I was falling drifting into the sleep, I was aware of a physical presence next to me on my bed. In the dream someone rubbed all over my back like they were soothing my pain.

Incidentally, I had been talking to God that night about having supernatural experiences and experiencing a greater dimension of spiritual vision.

I woke up this morning so refreshed, I am on my way back from a meet up after work and still not having pains all over my body despite carrying a very heavy bag around town. That is unusual for me.

What touches me most is the care of God and that He saw me. Jeohovah El-Roi the one who sees. God sent His help to rub my back and relieve me of aches - pls help me bless Him!!!!!!!!

Many people around me, even nearest and dearest did not know how very stretched I was but the Lord saw it and came in a special way to help me."

He was my greatest help through the wedding, Oh How I love Him so.

When it was time to save mankind, He came Himself; so it's not a surprise that He would do this for me.


Saturday, 6 December 2014

I got married!

"When a man is newly married, he shall not go out with the army or be charged with any business; he shall be free at home one year and shall cheer his wife whom he has taken." Deuteronomy 24:5

Well, the above is kind of what I did... Hence I haven't really written on the blog this year.

I got married last Saturday! Well, one of our many wedding ceremonies :-) we'd already been to the registry in Oct, got joined before the Lord in the US over the summer, with two meet-the-family ceremonies in between but we finally had the big wedding celebration last Thursday & Saturday where friends and family came in from all over to celebrate with us.

My husband's name is Wale Olutunbi and he is a great saxophonist for Jesus, he also plays the piano and used to sing in the choir as boy, he's still got that singing voice, so he's a very musical man; but above all, he loves the Lord and loves me:-)

I'll try to tell you a bit about how we met and the journey thus far someday, if it will encourage someone else along the way and describe the faithfulness of My Father.

It's time now for me to get back to ministry full on. My Father has been so kind as to let me get on with the business of marrying but He did let me know I was to get back to it as soon as we were done with the wedding. He expressly said so to me, I do love Him for His attention to detail, His heart because He knew I needed the time off so He let me have it and supported me ALL THE WAY!

I'll tell you one day in detail about the miracle that happened on a day I was very tired during all of the hustle and bustle of this year, the Lord actually sent an angel to rub my back! How marvellous is that, this was love, such love, indeed I have known the Father's love for me!

Both my personal life and work life have been extremely busy this year, work sent me to a few places this year including Asia - gorgeous Singapore, though I was stuck in the office most of the time covering 2 time zones :-) and I also did considerable travelling on the personal side.

I tell you , it is unbelievable how much planning goes into a single day and I had 2 big events, 1 mini one and 2 other little ones - 3 of which involved considerable planning.

So friends, it's been a busy year but the most important thing all through this year is this:

I have known the Father's love for me...

The Lord would take me through a no of schools, when I was young and immature, not that I have attained now, I used to say to Him: won't you cut me some slack? and throw childish tantrums ~ when I was a child I thought like a child, I spoke like a child - that sort of thing.

I remember working in a job I hated once and couldn't get another - I turned to the Lord one day and said please just let me go! I knew it was Him keeping me there... but u c He had to, there are some schools you will need to go through so that you can be built up to be able to fulfil the purpose of God in your life. Schools required to attain some level of maturity, character formation, tenacity. I am still very much a work in progress and am constantly in school! My small papa Pastor Patrick Odigie said something "character is required to sustain the gift".

In the same vein that we go through schools where hard lessons are taught, there are seasons where like any good Father, the Lord Himself will celebrate you. Remember, He will always fulfil His promises for your life. You may not know how or when but you must know Him that He never fails, His love never fails and that He is indeed a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Fall in love with Jesus, it's the best thing I have ever done.

Lara Olutunbi :-)


Thursday, 8 May 2014

#BringBackOurGirls ~ and then some

In God's Company Conference Call Thursday 8th of May 2014

Participant PIN: 362366

Time: 8.30PM BST(GMT) - 3.30PM EST - 9.30PM CET

Pls find your dial in nos relevant to your location:
England London 020 3398 3300
England Slough 01753 304 570
CountryCountry City Dial-In Number Country City Dial-In Number
Argentina Buenos Aires 011 5258 2375
Australia Adelaide 08 7123 2361
Australia Alice Springs 08 8921 4109
Australia Brisbane 07 3123 5124
Australia Canberra 02 6108 4316
Australia Darwin 08 8986 7038
Australia Launceston 03 6349 1222
Australia Melbourne 03 9001 6668
Australia Newcastle 02 4013 4043
Australia Perth 08 6365 4490
Australia Sydney 02 9037 2747
Austria National 0720 8800 09
Bahrain National 1619 9041
Belgium Brussels 02 808 0369
Brazil Sao Paulo 11 3323 2331
Bulgaria Sofia 02 491 7031
Canada Calgary 1 403 775 1284
Canada Edmonton 1 780 669 5289
Canada Halifax 1 902 982 3028
Canada Montreal 1 514 667 0321
Canada Ottawa 1 613 686 3845
Canada Quebec City 1 418 907 2242
Canada St. John's 1 709 757 5710
Canada Toronto 1 416 800 1274
Canada Vancouver 1 604 484 1683
Canada Winnipeg 1 204 272 2356
Chile Santiago de Chile 22 938 1500
Croatia Zagreb 017 776 113
Cyprus* Nicosia 22 022 684
Czech Republic Prague 2 4601 9210
Denmark National 77 34 57 09
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo de Guzm8á2n9 951 3038
El Salvador National 2113 1752
Estonia National 668 1329
Finland Helsinki 09 4259 8663
France Paris 01 76 60 71 86
Georgia Tbilisi 7 0677 7315
Germany Munich 089 12 140 2318
Greece Athens 211 176 8240
Guatemala* Guatemala City 2 229 6342
Hong Kong SAR China Victoria City 5808 0118
Hungary Budapest 06 1 778 9429
Ireland Cork 021 601 7951
Ireland Dublin 01 903 6715
Israel Tel Aviv 03 915 5823
Italy Rome 06 99 268 290
Japan Tokyo 03 4520 9471
Latvia Riga 0676 61099
Lithuania Vilnius 052 66 58 12
Luxembourg National 2020 2414
Malta Valletta 027 780 210
Mexico Mexico City 01 55 2789 5465
Netherlands Amsterdam 020 262 9645
New Zealand Auckland 09 909 7814
New Zealand Wellington 04 974 9405
Norway Oslo 2 154 7857
Panama Ciudad de Panamá 0836 5399
Peru Lima 017 085 313
Poland Warsaw 22 398 8490
Portugal Lisbon 0308 800 567
Puerto Rico San Juan 1 787 905 7171
Romania Botosani 031 810 7968
Singapore National 3158 1023
Slovakia Bratislava 02 3300 6537
Slovenia Ljubljana 016 002 714
South Africa Cape Town 021 300 4334
South Africa Durban 031 100 4334
South Africa Johannesburg 010 500 4334
South Africa Pretoria 012 004 4334
South Africa Pretoria 087 550 0378
Spain Madrid 911 876 433
Sweden Stockholm 08 4030 9923
Switzerland Zürich 043 500 4156
United Kingdom London 020 3398 3300
United Kingdom Slough 01753 304 570
United States Atlanta 1 678 954 0539
United States Baltimore 1 443 692 1837
United States Boston 1 617 334 7122
United States Chicago 1 312 253 4866
United States Cleveland 1 216 744 1000
United States Dallas 1 214 377 1210
United States Denver 1 303 330 0432
United States Detroit 1 313 879 6548
United States Houston 1 713 366 8100
United States Los Angeles 1 213 221 3529
United States Miami 1 305 808 3277
United States Minneapolis 1 612 844 0008
United States New York 1 917 464 3045
United States Philadelphia 1 215 207 0230
United States Phoenix 1 602 354 9200
United States Pittsburgh 1 412 360 7848
United States Portland 1 503 206 0211
United States Saint Louis 1 314 244 3579
United States San Diego 1 619 330 9637
United States San Francisco 1 415 422 9300
United States Santa Clara 1 408 531 6619
United States Seattle 1 206 691 8202
United States Tampa 1 813 864 6296
United States Washington, D.C. 1 202 379 1388

YOOHOO! I am still here! #BringBackOurGirls

Happy New Year Everybody!

I apologize for being away for so long, it's been one busy year!

I have missed this blog, I do hope somebody somewhere missed my being on here, that you haven't all run away and still have me on your googlereader and mailing lists.

I am just going to repost something I posted on my facebook page. It was an invite sent out to all and I do hope that you - yes you :-) reading this will be one of the respondents.

"In God's Company Ministry invites you to join us on our prayer line tomorrow Thursday at BST (GMT) 8.30PM. We are inviting all Christians and also non Christians who desire to encounter the power of the True and Living God.

We will be interceding for the safe return of the 234 girls kidnapped in Chibok, Nigeria. We will be praying to the God of all the Heavens and the God of the whole earth to flush out Boko Haram completely from Nigeria. We will also be carrying on with our usual order of the day to intercede for the Bride of Christ.

Last Thursday on the conference line, we prayed for the girls from Chibok. There were just 4 of us on the line & I heard my best friend cry as she poured her heart out to God, it cut me - I was cut to my core and in that instant I knew that I heard her heart, I heard her soul and that the God of all the Heaven and the earth heard it too - that I was only a bystander in a heavenly exchange between a daughter and Her Father. He wanted me to hear her soul, He wanted me to know how precious her cry was to Him, I knew that if she had moved me, she had moved God who is so full of compassion much more than I can ever hope to be. The depth to which her cry cut my soul, I knew that it had touched Heaven. Because I too have the Spirit of God in me, it was His Spirit bearing witness with mine that she had touched Him.

When we were praying last week, it looked so bleak but now the whole world is at attention, we know that we were one of many. Many inspired us, there is one of you here who decided to go off facebook except to post things related to the girls because she said if it was her child, she didn't think she could carry on on facebook, that was inspiring!

I will be posting the dial in nos and pin in my next post, join us tomorrow as we pray. We are simple folk, a ministry of intercessors whom God loves and have the privilege of loving Him too, we are not sophisticated, we just know JESUS!"