Monday, 8 July 2013

My FATHER and the little things - He cares about the details...

Today, I am just going to blog about how thankful I am and I hope that it will encourage somebody out there.

I looked around my flat, kneeling down I realized how God had made an impossibility possible and what amazed me the most was His attention to detail. The detail gets me, the care, love and concern that goes into it just bowls me over...

How precious to me are your thoughts, God! Psalm 139: 17. I knelt down thanking God...

Rewind 2 years ago, getting a hand delivered letter from my landlord that he needed his flat and my work contract ending sooner than expected, I wondered how I was going to get somewhere to rent without a job - they ask for these things you see in the UK - letter of employment et cetera et cetera. My lease wasn't up for the next 4 months or more, so this was unexpected, the landlord was moving back in and he was in a hurry... Anyways I remember holding the letter with tears in my eyes, despite having an overwhelming sense of peace and a sense that God was closing some doors so that He could open new ones, I was gonna just be a baby anyways & let the tears roll. My sister happened to be in town for a vacation with me, she's a little voltron force - my sister. I imagine she took the matter upstairs to Papa; and Papa responded. My sister said to me: Lara, God showed me your new place, he took me from room to room, he showed me this and that, your dining area and the place was like this and like that - describing the details He showed her, she also said to me "you will move from this flat to a place of your own". At this time, that wasn't looking at all likely because the Landlord was giving me just one month's notice, I hadn't really looked seriously for a place to buy neither had I thought the timing was exactly the right one for buying - job situation and all.

Anyways, everything happened exactly as the Lord had showed my sister. Even when everything seemed to be crumbling around me, only God's counsel stood as I held on to Him and I moved from that flat directly into my flat. I must add as well that before the Landlord came round with the notice, I had a dream about having to look for a place, so when he called to say he wanted to stop by, I had a sense of what was coming...

My Lord and My God, how He prepares us and goes ahead of us...

I look around me, understanding the details of the flat which He showed my sister, I see the reality now before me. So friends I sing "When I think about the goodness of Jesus..."

God cares about the details of your life, I dare you to share it with Him and to trust Him with it.

As a teenager, I remember telling God on my way to the hair dressing salon that I would like to have a good hair day. I had enough bad ones, lo and behold I would indeed have a good hair day because I asked Him.

The God of all the universe, The Judge of the whole earth is interested in the details of your life. It is true that the older you get, you might have more pressing things to share than hair :) But it is important that you share whatever is on your heart with Him.

He is a God of detail, you only have to look around you to acknowledge this...

Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7

1 comment:

Kofo said...

Wonderful post. God is indeed faithful and He does care about even the little things...