Friday, 15 January 2016

Holy Spirit Espionage

Hello Hello Everybody! Happy 2016!

Well, today I wanted to drop a nugget in your spirit which has been stirring up within mine. I feel like having a conversation...

This is what is on my heart, this is what I pray for In God's Company Ministry and for the rest of the body of Christ - that we will live on the offensive and not just be reactive; tearing down satan's kingdoms and putting to shame his plots in 2016 and beyond!

I am asking God to give us spiritual insight to stop threats before they become a reality. I am asking for Holy Spirit Espionage!

2 Kings 6:8-12 "Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp. And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down. And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber." (KJV)

Aren't we tired of hearing about things that bring shame to the body of Christ?? It is time for the intercessors to rise up and ask God with me for Holy Spirit Espionage! To ask the Lord to expose whatever satan is planning against our ministries, churches, families, communities, individual selves and kill it at the root before it comes alive or matures.

The enemy has a habit of sowing tares in our lives unawares. He will often wait till we are set to be launched in a bigger way or when we are in the middle of something big to mess us up; as he calls out in the open for those things he planted in secret. Just as we grow these things also grow along side us if not dealt with.

The Lord said to Cain in Genesis 4:7b "sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” NIV

It is crouching at the door, it doesn't want you to see or notice it's presence.

Now, how must the Christian wrestle this? The Christian must wrestle by constant examination before God, truthfulness with God and by disallowing to maturity or life these things once identified. The Holy Spirit and The Word of God play a great part in this process of self examination. The Word tells us what is right and what is wrong, what is the fruit of the Spirit, what is of flesh and is not of God. 
When we exhibit characteristics that do not add up to the fruits of the Spirit, we must not gloss over them, explain them away, ignore them and just move on. 

The Holy Spirit will often pin point where we are stumbling, likely to stumble as He is able to expose traps, "lead us not into temptation" as the Lord's prayer says... The Christian must never resist the gentle nudging and prompting of The Holy Spirit highlighting/pinpointing areas for address. 

The Christian must willing to judge sin quickly in their life, repenting just as quickly before God. Bringing all weaknesses, areas of unrest, contention, constant failing before God in prayer, reading scriptures concerning these issues whereby allowing God's word to wash over their heart concerning the matter. 

The Christian must learn early to come before God to say: I realize I have this problem with this issue and I want to overcome it. As it is written Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall - 1 Corinthians 10:12.

This is why constant seasons of conscious consecration in form of fasting, retreats, quietness with God is required. These help to get us into quietness and rest to listen and address issues. Sin is not cute, it is not our friend. We need to be in an environment where the fire of the Holy Spirit is ablaze, where these things can be brought up, addressed and destroyed. Tell me, what's the temperature in your setting like? Do you shut Him up just when He is about ready to speak or move in your midst? 

We need such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our lives, our ministries, our churches and the entire body of Christ, so much that these things can not survive. We must learn to adequately steward His presence, not quenching the fire, allowing Him liberty to move, rebuke, correct, nurture and address these things before they get out of hand, bringing shame and dishonor on us.

I will put it as simply as I put it to In God's Company: I think we Christians have been reactive enough, quenching fires in a sense instead of starting them. I think it's time that we go on the holy offensive! Before satan attacks we know. We are there to fail him and his cohorts. Before shame can come to the body of Christ, God has flashed it to us, we are alert to The Spirit to pick it up and we are there to uproot the seed/plan/attack that the enemy is brewing designed to cause us shame and disrupt moves of God. We must learn to destroy these attacks before they reach maturity. I desire this for The Church and in our individual lives! This is one of the cries in my heart to God this year.

I am asking God this year to reveal to us strategic prayer points to make us like Elisha is described in 2 Kings 6! The passage states that not once, not twice... did God deliver Israel in this way...

There have been enough moves of God which satan has attacked mid way, I am tired of satan coming in to bring shame to us and disrupting moves of God. Instead of that happening we get a word from God that satan is planning to attack in this way and we fight it! Before it happens, we have killed it by the power of God with us. Therefore we must be on guard and remain in the spirit at all times. We must learn to deal with tares at the root before they mature and that is why we need The Holy Spirit, that is why we need Holy Spirit Espionage!

The one the Lord will speak with and use in this way must be willing to constantly examine themselves before God and humble themselves under His mighty hand, when we see our weaknesses, we bring them to Him immediately - no hiding, no nursing or covering up, we bring them before God who already knows, so what's the point of hiding? James 1:5 tells us that if any of us lacks wisdom, we should ask God who gives to us liberally without reproach, without finding fault. That's the same God, he will not reproach us for confessing our weaknesses, rather He has already outlined all through His word including Genesis 4:7 what happens when we don't!

As part of the process, we must learn to hear and obey His voice as He guides & instructs us pointing out where enemy land mines are hidden, before they blow up in our faces! 


Pastor Patrick Odigie said...

Awesome Word. If we as His bride just learn to position ourselves in His loving and restful presence we xan rest assured that the divine intelligence will readily come up.

Lara said...

So true Pastor Patrick as you have pointed me to over the years: Intimacy! Intimacy! Intimacy! The bride must learn to wrestle herself away from that which keeps her out of His loving arms, she MUST LEARN TO STEWARD HIS PRESENCE.

Worship, The Words He has spoken i.e. The Bible, The Words He will still speak through His Holy Spirit, befriending Him, hanging out with him - spending time in the word, prayer, song - of these we can not do enough!